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How To Get What You Want

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Author: Wattles, Wallace D

Brand: Jonrose Publishing

Binding: Paperback

Number Of Pages: 32

Release Date: 14-03-2019

Details: What differentiates a successful person from others? Is there something which enables them to use their faculties more successfully? This book will show you how to develop your special faculties and get what you want in life. The definition of success is getting what you want - whether it results in the attainment of health, wealth, development, or status. And it's the law of nature that like causes produce like effects, and since success is not in the environment we live in, then it must be individual.  In How to Get What You Want, a pamphlet by New Thought author Wallace D. Wattles, he explains what the factors for success are and how anyone can develop and attain it in their life. Success is not what others may think you should achieve, but it is getting what you want. According to Wattles, the key to success lies in the person who succeeds, and not in external circumstances. This pamphlet offers the reader a shot in the arm as inspiration, just as it inspired Rhonda Byrne to create the successful book and film The Secret in 2006. Buy your copy now and enhance the faculties you need to get what you want!

EAN: 9781630890131

Package Dimensions: 8.0 x 5.0 x 0.1 inches

Languages: English

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