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Envíos y Devoluciones

Author: Smiles, Samuel

Brand: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

Binding: Paperback

Number Of Pages: 98

Release Date: 08-09-2015

Part Number: black & white illustrations

Details: This book is intended as a sequel to "Self-Help," and "Character." It might, indeed, have appeared as an introduction to these volumes; for Thrift is the basis of Self-Help, and the foundation of much that is excellent in Character. The author has already referred to the Use and Abuse of Money; but the lesson is worthy of being repeated and enforced. As he has already observed,—Some of the finest qualities of human nature are intimately related to the right use of money; such as generosity, honesty, justice, and self-denial; as well as the practical virtues of economy and providence. On the other hand, there are their counterparts of avarice, fraud, injustice, and selfishness, as displayed by the inordinate lovers of gain; and the vices of thoughtlessness, extravagance, and improvidence, on the part of those who misuse and abuse the means entrusted to them.

EAN: 9781517268077

Package Dimensions: 11.0 x 8.5 x 0.2 inches

Languages: English

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