We Are GIN and Love Song Bundle by Arlene Wow! - Digital Download

Precio regular $ 4.29 USD
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Envíos y Devoluciones

  Listen to an excerpt of this two-song bundle by clicking the video image above!

**This is a digital download. Once you place your order you will be emailed a link and will be able to download the tracks. The files are in MP3 form.**

"We Are GIN”

When singer-songwriter Arlene Tessman, aka ArleneWow! joined the Global Information Network in December of 2010, she had a vision of performing songs in front of huge audiences of Club members from around the world. Since the inception of her dream, Arlene has not only written and recorded this anthem but has had the highest honor of singing it all over the US and on several Caribbean cruises for GIN major events.

 “528 Hz LoveSong”

“528 Hz LoveSong” is a bonus track added to this “We Are GIN” single. For many years, Arlene has been studying frequencies and how their healing properties affect us. Music is a very good example of these healing properties due to the frequencies embedded within it. Placing certain frequencies within music and meditations can bring us to different states such as beta, delta, theta, etc. This selection has been tuned to 528Hz which is the frequency of love. As the song implies, once we discover the power of said frequencies and vibrations, we can learn how to use them in our lives. We can also teach others and in essence, change the world.

Arlene Guau!

En 2006, Arlene Tessman decidió emprender el camino del solo a tiempo completo. Dio un salto de fe y abandonó su insatisfactoria carrera diurna para perseguir la pasión de sus sueños. Aquí es donde su apodo ArleneWow! fue descubierto. Parecía que dondequiera que actuara, su audiencia se quedaría boquiabierta y diría "¡Guau, eso fue increíble, Arlene!" Sus amigos y fanáticos comenzaron a llamarla ArleneWow! Y el resto es historia. Su álbum "Ignite Your Inner Genie" es un álbum para niños basado en principios de éxito inspirados en GIN. Arlene también tiene varios proyectos originales disponibles aquí, incluido el sencillo "We Are GIN", una canción escrita específicamente para el Club.

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