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The Way to Wealth: Ben Franklin on Money and Success

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Author: Franklin, Benjamin

Brand: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

Binding: Paperback

Number Of Pages: 52

Release Date: 07-02-2011

Details: Product Description Ben Franklin's Wisdom on Money & Success Compiled in One Book Statesman, scientist, entrepreneur, inventor, investor . . . Benjamin Franklin is synonymous with American ingenuity and achievement. It's no coincidence that his face is on the hundred dollar bill.This compilation presents Ben Franklin's essential wisdom on money and success. It includes "The Way to Wealth," "Advice to a Young Worker," and "The Path of Virtue."The Washington Post says, "This pocket-size book takes less than a half-hour to read but will give you a lifetime of financial wisdom -- that is, if you're wise enough to follow the advice."This book is available in paperback, Audible audiobook, and Kindle e-book from Best Success Books. Review "This pocket-size book takes less than a half-hour to read but will give you a lifetime of financial wisdom--that is, if you're wise enough to follow the advice." --The Washington Post From the Back Cover Visit, or click on "Best Success Books" or "Charles Conrad" on this page, to view our other new editions of the greatest success books of all time.

EAN: 9781442119215

Package Dimensions: 7.8 x 5.1 x 0.3 inches

Languages: English

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