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The Wealth Mindset: Understanding the Mental Path to Wealth

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Author: Goddard, Neville

Brand: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform

Binding: Paperback

Number Of Pages: 59

Release Date: 20-10-2016

Details: Product Description The short, definitive masterpiece on how thought effects success... Taught by one of the great self-improvement teachers of the 20th century, The Wealth Mindset is an extraordinary guide about how to achieve success by transforming your mental attitude. Clear and provocative, this book will reveal to you a fascinating new way to wealth. Get your copy now. Review "Neville's teachings add a dimension that I hadn't really contemplated in depth until now." - Wayne Dyer, bestselling author of  Wishes Fulfilled "The Wealth Mindset is a gift from Tim to adepts and beginners alike. I was amazed at how many nuances I missed in my previous readings of Neville. Instead of peeling away layers, this book cuts right to the core of what you need to know to get to where you want to be. It's concise, precise, and incisive. Take these easy steps: Gift this book to yourself, read it, and apply what you learn. What you learn will be one of the best investments you ever make." - Patrick W. Edwards,  Amazon Reviewer "Of all the metaphysical systems with which I am acquainted, Neville's is the most evidently magical." - Israel Regardie, bestselling author of  The Golden Dawn "All I can say is incredible! A must read! Neville's awareness and ability to impart it in simple, yet such powerful words continues to amaze me." - Connie Fox,  Amazon Reviewer "I love Neville Goddard's works, and Tim Grimes shares his works in a wonderfully beneficial way. Neville's messages spoke to me more powerfully than ever before in this little book. A must-read." - Amy Oler,  Amazon Reviewer " Neville may eventually be recognized as one of the world's great mystics." - Joseph Murphy, bestselling author of  The Power of Your Subconscious Mind "This book is profound. I've read other books by Neville, but this one really  got me (or I got it!). If   you're ready to take charge of your life, step into your power and have you dreams come true, read this book." - Ynolas K.,  Amazon Reviewer "There are all of these great books out there such as this one where it tells you that you have to put thoughts and desires into the universe, but with exception of this book, all of the other books are missing one key aspect that this book finally explains. This is not only a 5-star book, it is also an absolute must read for everyone!" - S. Marks,  Amazon Reviewer "Neville was able to clarify the nature of God and God's relationship to every person. He spoke of God in intimate terms as though he knew god very well, which he did." - Roy Eugene Davis, founder of the Center for Spiritual Awareness "This is a great read to realize the potential that lies in you to be discovered once you start thinking of your life from the end to the beginning. If you can imagine it, you can have it, if you will accept it and receive it. The Law of Attraction at it's finest!" - Antonio B.,  Amazon Reviewer "Finally a book that makes sense." - Lotsabooks,  Amazon Reviewer "Goddard's understanding of metaphysical principles as related to Scripture and faith lived out, as intended, is profound and timeless." - Sharain Clark,  Amazon Reviewer "I read a lot of this type of material, and no one does it better than Neville. This volume in particular is both eloquent and succinct in passing along the ideas that make all the difference for creating what we want our world to be." - Jeannette Maw,  Amazon Reviewer About the Author NEVILLE GODDARD (1905-1972) was one of the great self-improvement teachers of the 20th century. His strikingly practical interpretation of the Bible has helped thousands of people transform their lives, and remains some of the best spiritual advice ever recorded in

EAN: 9781539612803

Package Dimensions: 8.4 x 5.9 x 0.7 inches

Languages: English

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