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Water Crystals in Motion- Messages From Water

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Author: Masaru Emoto

Brand: I.H.M. General Institute

Edition: Second Edition

Binding: DVD

Format: NTSC

Release Date: 05-05-2004

Details: Dr. Masaru Emoto's research and images are featured in the movie, What the Bleep Do We Know!? distributed by 20th Century Fox Studios. And, more recently, Dr. Emoto was featured in the newly-released What the Bleep Do We Know!? Down the Rabbit Hole. This DVD takes a photographic look at water crystals, we are able to determine the mysterious effects that music and words have on water. Until now, researchers alone, with the use of their microscopes, had the capacity to witness water crystals grow and expand. Not any more! Caught on video for the first time: water crystals in motion! * Water "listens" to music. Under normal conditions, distilled water can only produce simple hexagonal crystals. Not once it has"listened" to Mozart! Exquisitely shaped crystals formed and expanded as if in pursued of the beautiful music. * Water can "read." Showing water the work "hope" produced crystals that grew and projected towards the image of hope itself. * Water can "feel". Find out what happens when human thought is projected onto water! Revised March 15, 2009 Approximately 38 minutes DVD; NTSC; All Region; Subtitles: English, Spanish, Portuguese, French

EAN: 9780966531244

Package Dimensions: 7.5 x 5.4 x 0.5 inches

Languages: English, Spanish, French

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